Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Apocalypse with Lamb of God and Testament was biblical in every sense of the word.

Annihilation comes to those who ask for it. 

Fuck it. Let's get on with it. Lest again I gather perspective and lose the insanity after taking too much time playing with words, I might as well do it downright dirty.

I rolled up at the gates around 8pm and it was, from then on,  pure adrenaline shootin' in all directions. Why are Caucasian men scattered on the stage? It's about time! The hulk figure that was Chuck Billy is stridin' on the top boards and he looked as mean as a bad villain in some psycho film.

For some sick reason, seeing Testament at that moment gave me the same spine-tinglin' fear I felt when I first heard the band back in second year high school. It was one stormy night with no electricity and the third track from the album Low was playing in my portable radio. Pardon me for not naming that track, I may use cuss words, swear every now and then, but blasphemy ain't my game.

Anyhow, it wasn't that much of a drawn-out trip down memory lane. After that one split-second of a glimpse I was literally swept off my feet when I was caught in this powerful wave by the charging mob. Faster than a rip tide I did not notice I moved fifteen feet from where I was in just a snap. It was like I'm once again in tumultuous waters waiting for my next ride while the surface surged. Except this was a sea of throngs of metal hungry  fans. This stuff, I only saw  on TV. Much like the Black Nazarene parade with an ocean of undulating heads with black hair. I never thought I will be caught in such a ripple in this lifetime.

Lamb of God. Proves to me further why I need to keep on collecting them live albums. It is probably the only way a true metalhead is able to know whether a band is worth his time. And man did they deliver last night. No matter how hard you try to absorb every single moment of this grand occasion, with all the flying bottles and mists of piss in the air, you just can't. But I guess that's how you truly enjoy one metal show. Battered black and blue, I wouldn't trade the spot I had for one that's in VIP.  Don't get me wrong though, I'm familiar with the rush but I just hate being stared down by some stiff fan when I'm about to get it on.

Whew, that wasn't even a tenth of what I had intended to say. Nonetheless the fans are all pourin' on their own thoughts about last night. From how the barricade came close to collapsing...Randy pumped his fist for the crowd like he just gave the go on the Second Amendment, how Mark Morton (or was it Willie?) finally donned his gas mask bandana at the height of the dust storm they caused..all of these now scattered on various networking sites

I can't close on however without mentioning that the Wall of Death came unannounced. I knew for a fact that LOG has stopped making that particular demand from all the injuries it caused. 

But kill me if it ain't Moses who was there last night! The crowd parted fucking wide like the fucking red sea upon the Black Label intro!

I had predicted this event would be 'biblical', and indeed it was. In every fucking sense of the goddamn word.

Now for my YouTube debut.. I'm hoping to hell there's a better shot of this momentous hellbending gesture of honor. I couldn't do it any better from where I was at.

It should have been us saying 'we're not worthy' instead!


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