Thursday, March 18, 2010

Iron Man 2: not the first 'all AC/DC' Motion Picture Soundtrack.

This has been out now for quite some time already. I bet as well some AC/DC thunderheads must have seen this coming since the movie's first installment. Damn was I so fired up when Back in Black blasted out of that humvee stereo from the opening scene.. could feel spot on it was going to be rock n roll all the way. It's that same rush that I get every time Thunderstruck is played right before every Pacquiao entrance.

Why shouldn't the music be so heavy? Hell, for one, you got the superhero wrapped entirely in metal suit, so what do you expect? Now there you go, fans asked for it and now it's given, a full-on AC/DC motion picture soundtrack.

Quite nothing new here...

..certainly nothing new. Back in '86 the album Who Made Who served as the motion picture soundtrack for Maximum Overdrive, the first and only directorial effort of Stephen King.  It featured three new tracks created for the film, combined with  some of their greatest works from past recordings. Apparently, Stephen King muscled his way in through production to make this happen, and happened it did. Not only did he steer it to be an exclusive artist soundtrack, but managed that his favorite rock n roll band also do new tracks for the film. AC/DC fans are now caught in a whirlwind of debate as to which is better of the two soundtrack albums. It doesn't matter to me, anything AC/DC I will wolf down like a hungry, rabid one.  

Do I ever get jaded? Not a single moment. It's one of those rare blessings you get in this life. It's like that one classic movie you never tire of seeing. AC/DC has been, in many ways for me, like The Godfather. 

So for the love of The Almighty, quit yakkin' about how ridiculous an old balding man like Angus is still writhing on the floor with his guitar. It's still so undeniably cool as it was 30 years ago and shall never ever be traded for any of those new stuff coming out that is tagged 'rock'. Just because there's a dang guitar doesn't make something 'rock'. Fuckin' Euro 'rock' is not rock. It's new wave. Without the balls of its forebears.

Anyhow, Shoot To Thrill has been one of my all-time faves but allow me to say I hadn't checked on this official Iron Man 2 preview lately. I found the time and had a blast with the superhero footage, the chicks in the mock armor, and the feel of the Black Ice world tour arena.


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